Robin Hood’s Bay, situated in the dramatic and rugged scenery of the North Yorkshire coastline, is probably one of the most picturesque fishing villages in the country.
Where is Robin Hoods Bay?
The Bay is situated between Whitby and Scarborough, a turning off the A171. It is best reached by leaving the car at the public car park at the top of the cliff and enjoying the walk down through the village to the dock side.

Fishing is no longer an essential income for the village, which is still a thriving community, but now the main income is from the many tourists coming to discover its historic charm and the spectacular views over the wide bay. The change in the Bays fortunes commenced with the coming of the railway in 1885, making the area accessible to tourists. The railway closed in 1965, but by this time Bay had established itself as an expanding community, and continued attracting many visitors.
The village is set amongst a network of steeply sloping streets, steps and alleyways and retains a strong historic link with the sea, reminiscent of days gone by with fishermen in small boats and smugglers dodging the excise men.
There are stories which associate the village with Robin Hood the outlaw, including a legend that he fled here and disguised himself as a local fisherman to avoid arrest. This is highly unlikely as it was not until the 15th century that the coastal community was established, long after the time of the famous outlaws of Sherwood Forest.